Oh Yeah! Total Protein System is number 4 out of our 5 best protein powders. 56 out of 87 customers who have reviewed and rated the product on Amazon have given it a 5 star rating. This particular protein powder is priced just under $40, has approximately 24 total servings, weighing at 2.4 lbs and has protein content of 32 grams per serving. The protein content of this powder is the highest on our top 15 protein powder list. The protein source is whey protein concentrate. With attributes such as those mentioned above, there is no surprise that OhYeah! Total Protein System is on our top 5 list.

OhYeah! Nutrition is a sister company of ISS Research and was founded in 2004. Since its inception, the company has attained a large market share of the nutritional product segment, delivering one of the highest quality supplements that have won awards due to their superior attributes. OhYeah! is an avid promoter of its products globally through the means of trade shows and events. OhYeah! Nutrition has achieved the NSF Certification for many of its products. Some of the awards it has received from the American Masters of Taste Foundation are: Number 1 Nutritional Shake, Number 1 Nutritional Bar, and Number 1 Protein Powder in USA.
It is the company’s vision to supply the market with the purest and most effective sports nutritional supplements. The company believes in using only the top quality raw materials purchased from suppliers who also follow the same ethical business standards and code. Gaining customer confidence by providing a superior product is one of the top priorities of the company. The company also hopes that by producing high quality products at affordable prices, it will inspire other sports nutrition companies to follow on the same path and contribute to the global health of its consumers.
Below is a list of features, advantages and benefits according to the reviews and ratings given to OhYeah! Total Protein System by customers who have purchased and used it:
- Can be used as a creamer for coffee
- Tastes great with cold or hot milk
- Can be used for cooking
- Does not clump and mixes easily
- No foul after-taste
- Has a richer and more fuller taste as compared to other brands
- Great meal replacement shake since it contains carbs and fat
If you have already purchased it or going to purchase OhYeah! Total Protein System please provide a comment below and let us know your thoughts.